Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Cherub Love and Some Great News

First, for my fantastic news!  I finally got a job…well, it’s only part time and temporary, only for about 6 weeks, but it’s still a job!  Can you hear the choir singing “Hallelujah”???  After 2 years of being unemployed, ANYTHING is better than nothing!  

I had a wonderful weekend and can’t wait to share my finds with you!  My husband surprised me with a trip to Mobile and we hit up a few of my favorite antique shops Saturday. 

I added some bisque cherubs to my collection and can’t decide which is my favorite!  The first piece is marked Ucagco China, Made in Occupied Japan, which dates it to between 1946 and 1952. 

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What a sweet little face he has!  

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The cart is decorated with gold trim and soft pink roses.

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This second piece had me stumped!  I couldn’t find any online information about it and wasn’t able to find another one similar to it. 


So, I turned to the fountain of all antiques knowledge…Richard from My Old Historic House. (If you’ve never visited Richard’s blog, RUN, don’t walk over to visit him!  Just be sure to bring a towel for all the drooling you’ll be doing when you see his gorgeous home!)

According to Richard, these types of pieces were made in several places, including France and America, but were most commonly made in Germany.  They can be found decorated with children or animals too, but the ones with cherubs are more popular.  This particular piece was probably made in the latter 1800’s to early 1900’s.  I thought perhaps it was a vase or planter, but Richard said it was more likely a vanity piece and could have held jewelry. 

Fortunately he also told me not to use it with water as it would bleed through the soft paste of the unglazed porcelain.  Thank you Richard for sharing all the info with me!  You’re the greatest!

Count ‘em…three sweet little cherubs and garlands of pink roses!  Love, love, love me some cherubs!!


At another antiques shop, I found this necklace.  It’s possibly just vintage glass beads…but I’m hoping it’s faceted rock crystal.  I need to take it to a jeweler to have it tested.  Unfortunately, my photo didn’t capture how it sparkles!

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Then on Sunday, my husband and I went to the flea market for a couple of hours.  One of the vendors had some pieces that he had bought at an estate sale in an old Victorian home in Mississippi. 

This brass fern stand immediately caught my eye as I had been looking at one almost identical to it in an antique shop here where I live…except the one in the antique shop was, I kid you not, almost 7 times the price of the one at the flea market!

fern stand1

Here’s a close-up photo of it when I got it home.  It has some issues that I’m working on…tarnish and what looks like some corrosion (?), but so far, it’s beginning to clean up nicely.


The vendor at the flea market said the top is marble, but I wonder if it might not be alabaster instead.  I do know it needs a REALLY good cleaning!  I can’t wait to get it all restored!  I think it’s going in my living room next to the piano.

The most important question…what to put on it when I get finished???  I don’t have a green thumb, so an actual fern is out.  Maybe this calls for another shopping trip!


So this is how I spent my weekend and I hope yours was wonderful too!  Thanks for visiting me today and I hope you’ll come back soon.

I’m joining Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday, Sherry at No Minimalist Here for Open House Party Thursdays, and Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.



  1. Hi Kim!
    First let me say congratulations on your new job!! So it may not yet be permanent....but having a job is the best position to be in to find another. *winks*

    Oh my goodness those cherubs are adorable! Especially the grouping...I adore anything resembling barbola swags *winks* And I have a similar plant stand to yours that I got for a steal. I've seen them into the $400's. It's probably marble because alabaster is quite soft and might break easily. Anyhoo I have it in my livingroom with a french crystal chandelier on it that I really love! It would also work great to display a beautiful statue. *winks* And isn't that Richard the sweetest!? He's a veritable plethora of wonderful antique information! Vanna

  2. Oh girl I love your finds and so glad you asked Richard he know all I just adore that man and one day if I ever get rich (insert ha ha here) I want to go visit his Sissy and home..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  3. Thanks for popping in to see me and those are some beautiful little cherubs you've found.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. First ~ congratulations on the job, you never know what it may lead to. Looks like you scored some beauties, and I have my mothers identical fern stand! Thanks for the visit ~ fortunately my tub came with the house (:

  5. Thank you for visiting my place. I too love cherubs, though I have none of the caliber of yours. They are lovely. I love the vanity piece. Gorgeous. I'm off to look at your older posts.

  6. Ms. Sweet thang. Thanks so much for mentioning me and my blog. I so do appreciate it. I love your new Cherubs, as I love anything cherubs. Your plant stand is nice and they come in so handy in many different spots and rooms for many things. be sweet and stay warm. Richard from My Old Historic House. Good about your job. I wish you could find me one!

  7. Congrats on finding a job!!
    These are simply stunning pieces! I LOVE cherubs!!
    And I have a similar plant stand but mine does not have legs that bow out like the one you have. Mine are straight!!



  8. The cherubs are beautiful! Congrats on your new job and thanks for linking to the Open House party. xo, Sherry

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous post with us at "What's It Wednesday". We loved it so much that you have been featured! Come on by and grab a button.

  10. Beautiful treasures-Thanks for sharing a Feathered Nest Friday!
