Thursday, August 11, 2011

Candlelit Sunflowers (better known as enough is enough)

My tablescape today is a very basic, simple setting  and sort of reflects how I want my life to be in the future. 


For several weeks now, I’ve been reading posts on blogs about the reality of our lives.  Well, my reality is that I’ve realized enough is enough.  In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about…it’s STUFF.  All the stuff that is cluttering up my life and home. 

Do I really need all this stuff that fills my home?  How many sets of dishes does one family need?  How many sets of glassware…silverware…accessories to use on the table?  How many decorative items do I need to have around the house so I can share them in a blog party? 

The dishes I used in this week’s setting is really the “straw that broke the camel’s back”.  I found them at a thrift store a while back, brought them home…and then wondered where in the world I was going to put them.


When is it ever enough?  Well for me, I’ve reached that point.  I have a 24 square foot pantry packed with dishes, glassware, flatware, tablescaping items.  There is so much stuff packed in the pantry that half of the time I can’t even find what I’m looking for!  Then there is the closet in a small bedroom that holds even more stuff.  Not to mention the pie safe that contains dishes, the bottom of the buffet, the china cabinet…and the list goes on and on. 

I have box after box after box filled with Easter stuff, patriotic stuff, valentine stuff, halloween stuff…Well, no more!  No more going to a store to buy items just so I can come here and post about a new table setting or participate in a blog party.  No more digging around the house to find things and then have to pack it all back up when it’s all over. 


You’ve heard about “keeping up with the Joneses”…well my reality is that I can’t and I don’t want to try anymore.  I’ve been unemployed for almost 2 years with no job prospects in sight.  So not only can I not afford to buy any more stuff, but I simply don’t have space for it. 

I’m going to begin decluttering my home starting with my pantry and moving on to the rest of the house.  I’m having a huge yard sale in about a month and, if I don’t sell everything, it’s not coming back in my house. 


I’m honestly not trying to slam anyone who participates in blog parties with my post and truly hope no one takes it that way.  In many ways, this has been painful for me to write and life has given me some hard knocks lately.  It’s made me realize I need to make some changes for myself. 

I do hope to be able to continue to participate in blog parties occasionally…but you might see many of the same items being used and not really any new stuff.  

I’m joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.



  1. I here what you are saying. I once had 12 sets of china and I moved them all several time when I moved from one city to the next. What a job and so expensive. I sold them all down to 4 now, and one of those I have never used, except the plates. I often ask my self, why? I have stopped it all and I have managed to live well with out new, STUFF! Being retired makes it a little harder to have extra cash to buy things with. Table scapers can be done so easy and fun without 50 sets of china and glasses. I love the table scapers and they do such fun tables. But, I agree it is time that enough is enough. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  2. I've never really thought that purchasing a lot of new things was so much the objective. I really thought it was more about displaying just how creative one can be with what one has to work with. Admittedly, I have many, many sets of dishes and flatware and stemware along with many decorative items from my former retail store that I enjoy using as we entertain at home quite often (usually once or twice a week). Being retired or being on a limited income definitely can mean a change of lifestyle. We have recently had to face a major change in our household, and money is not as plentiful as it used to be. I have used tablescaping as an outlet since then using just the things I have. That has really caused me to have to dig down deep and get super creative. That's a good thing because I am rediscovering what it really means to be creative! I really wish you much joy as you begin the decluttering process which can be a relief in and of itself!

  3. Dream, what a terrific post though I'm sure it was a difficult one to share. It is SO TRUE that tablescaping can make us keep on purchasing items when there is really no room (or cash) left! I've had the last couple of days off from work and have really enjoyed being at home which makes me reflect on whether I could lead a simpler life and spend less thereby not have to work so much. I'm finding I cannot venture downtown without seeing something I just have to have yet if I stay home, I never see those items and don't miss them (Fortunately, I'm not an online shopper!) Thanks for sharing this Dream and I certainly hope you won't give up tablescaping but just use the items you have in new and creative ways. This lovely "simple" tablescape proves you have what it takes - I especially like the tablecloth and napkins! Would love to hear any more thoughts/reflections you have along your journey to a simpler life!


  4. Enjoyed your blog.Thanks for sharing.Love your dishes.
