Saturday, May 28, 2011

My China Cabinet

Happy 3rd Birthday to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound’s Pink Saturday!


I wanted to join the celebration today by showing you the vignette on top of my china cabinet.  Some of my favorite pink goodies can be found there.


This Cupid figurine and pink roses print were eBay finds several years ago.  I love the vibrant colors in the roses.


I adore Lefton’s Green Heritage pattern with it’s pale green background and soft pink roses.  My husband gave me this tea set when we were first married.


The angels on the pink candles were a birthday gift from my mother and are very special to me.


My absolute most favorite piece is my Flying Lady fruit bowl.  It was made by Cambridge Glass Company sometime between the 1930’s to 1940’s and was part of their Statuesque line of glassware.  The seashell shaped bowl is a beautiful pale pink and has a nude maiden at the front of the bowl.  Some were sold as plain glassware and other were decorated with handpainted details.  Mine is decorated with gardenias, but I have also seen photos of the bowl with handpainted roses.  


According to the stories about this bowl, there was a circus in the town where the Cambridge Glass Company was located.  One of the trapeze artists made such an impression on the townspeople, that they nicknamed this bowl the “Flying Lady” in her honor.  If you would like to learn more about this glassware and the Flying Lady bowl, this is a great article and here is a link to the National Cambridge Collectors website.  I loved reading about how people would hide their bowls if a minister came to visit!   


Thanks bunches for visiting today!  Don’t forget to stop by Beverly’s Pink Saturday and wish her a very happy birthday!



  1. They're wonderful figurines. I can see you are very proud of them. Happy Pink Saturday to you and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I enjoyed seeing all your pinks, but the crochet piece really caught my eye.

  3. These furnish carvings are really adorable. I am in love with it. The crochet pieces are attracting the eye balls :) Really fantastic.
    -Corner china cabinet

  4. Hello! I am catching up on blogging and I had to tell you how much I LOVE all of your beautiful pinks!!


