Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Garden of Golden Dreams

For Table Top Tuesday with Marty at A Stroll Thru Life, I’m sharing one of my favorite vintage prints.  Titled “Garden of Golden Dreams”, the 1920’s calendar print is by L. Goddard and sits on my buffet.

L. Goddard was the pseudonym for a pair of artists L. G. Woolfenden and Rudolph Ingerle.  They were prolific artists who created some of the most gorgeous calendar art during the 1920’s and 30’s.  Much of their work dealt with fantasy themes using ancient Grecian and Egyptian maidens.


I love the colors in the print and how it speaks to me.  I read a description once about the work of Goddard and it was described as “fantasy escapism”.  Boy, I could sure use some of that in my life right now!


I’ve always been a “more is better” type of decorator and I adore the excesses in decorating that the Victorians favored.  Also placed on the buffet are antique handpainted plates featuring roses and a covered casserole dish that belonged to my Grandmother.  I’ve always loved this Homer Laughlin pattern.


This Victorian silver epergne was an eBay buy many years ago.  Amazingly it arrived all the way from New Zealand in perfect condition.


The coffee carafe and stand was found in my favorite antique shop.  Would you believe the owner only had $1.00 listed as the price?  Apparently the stand had one super tiny crack in it and the owner of the shop told me I could just have it.  She had actually debated just throwing it away. 


On top of the buffet is a handpainted china clock that my aunt bought many years ago after she got her first job.   


More roses show up on the Lefton chocolate pot that sits on the top shelf.  The sugar and creamer are antique handpainted Bavarian china.  Another favorite print, titled “Goddesses on Mount Olympus, by Edouard Bisson sits beside the china.


Two vintage cherub wall plaques on brass easels are the finishing touch.


A shot of the buffet…as you can tell, I don’t like a lot of empty spaces!  I suppose I’ll get tired of this arrangement soon and play around with a different one.  For now though, I’m pleased with it.


Thanks so much for dropping by!  I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit and will come again soon.



  1. Hi DG,

    You have so many beautiful things! I really enjoyed looking at them this morning. Thanks.


  2. Such a beautiful piece and what a gorgeous vignette. Love it. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. I love handpainted roses and anything with a victorian look. Your things are simply a pleasure to look at. Thanks for sharing.
